Ebook In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood (8th Edition)
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In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood (8th Edition)
Ebook In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood (8th Edition)
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The single most useful resource I know of on origins, bar noneDr. Kent Davey, Senior Research Scientist, University of Texas --Dr. Kent Davey, University of Texas, Senior Research ScientistBrown hydroplate theory directly challenges the current plate tectonics model and suggests a major revamping of geological events --Chalcedon ReportThe most complete reference book I have encountered on the scientific aspects of originsDr. Stuart Patterson, former Academic Dean andProfessor of Chemistry, Furman University --Dr. Stuart Patterson, former Academic Dean and Chemistry Professor, Furman University
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About the Author
Walt Brown received a PhD in mechanical engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where he was a National Science Foundation Fellow. He has taught college courses in physics, mathematics, and computer science. Brown is a retired Air Force full colonel, West Point graduate, and former Army Ranger and paratrooper. Assignments during his 21 years of military service included: Director of Benet Laboratories (a major research, development, and engineering facility), tenured associate professor at the US Air Force Academy, and Chief of Science and Technology Studies at the Air War College. For much of his life Walt Brown was an evolutionist, but after years of study, he became convinced of the scientific validity of creation and a global flood. Since retiring from the military, Brown has been the Director of the Center for Scientific Creation and has worked full time in research, writing, and teaching on origins. His biography is in "Christian Men of Science: Eleven Men Who Changed the World" by Mulfinger and Orozco.
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Product details
Hardcover: 456 pages
Publisher: Center for Scientific Creation; 8th edition (December 1, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1878026097
ISBN-13: 978-1878026095
Product Dimensions:
8.6 x 1.2 x 11.4 inches
Shipping Weight: 4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.6 out of 5 stars
203 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#39,866 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
You can obtain the entire concept behind this book on u-tube video and avoid spending a dime; however, the book is filled with footnotes backing up Dr. Brown's discussion and those were important for me. After reading this book I read several reviews on the internet which bashed the book and its precepts. This review is based on reading In The Beginning and on the detailed reviews found on the internet.As background, while I was an undergraduate I took many earth science courses such as geology. If I stayed another semester I could have earned a double degree; one in history and one in earth science. As this was 1969-70 I was up for the draft so I couldn't stay in school any longer. Nonetheless, I had a good foundation in geology - at least 1970s geology. In 1970 plate tectonics was NOT considered a viable theory. However, we were not taught that their was any theory to challenge the then current ideologies of geology.Dr. Brown is not a geologist and he has come under brutal attack for his Hydroplate theory. There are serous flaws with the Hydroplate concept; however, it does explain many observed facts that plate tectonics fails to explain. In a nutshell, no theory is perfect. What the Hydroplate idea shows is we desperately need new thinking in the earth sciences and in the biological sciences, which are inexorable tied together. The uniformitarian theories of Lyle are simply outdated and do not explain the many new finds in geology, especially as they relate to catastrophic events of the past which had life crippling effects. It is obvious, uniformitarian theories are maintained to support Darwin's evolutionary ideology because it would collapse without that support. If habitat altering asteroid impacts occurred on a regular basis, or if plate tectonics resulted in massive habitat change as mountains were uplifted etc., then evolution could not have occurred as Darwin proposed.That, I think, is the foundational objection to Dr. Brown's thesis. Nothing can be allowed to interfere with the Darwinian ideology of how life evolved (it does not explain how life began). Darwin's concepts have become a religion and not a science. The pure vehemence of the attacks on individuals proposing a new paradigm are the proof of the religiosity of the evolutionist.In The Beginning is a fairly easy read with an enormous amount of diagrams and explanations. It is obvious that Dr. Brown wants the reader to fully understand the theory. Even though the technical details might seem daunting at first, such a the hydraulics behind the theory, the book makes it understandable to the average reader. IF you want to know about the Hydroplate theory and many of the supporting facts behind it, this is the book to get. If you want the basics of the theory and do not need a lot about the supporting facts, go to u-tube and watch the videos - they are excellent. By the way, facts are odd things. In one of the long articles criticizing In The Beginning the lack of a delta on the Colorado River was questioned. The reviewer said the delta was clearly there, but Dr. Brown said it isn't. I looked on Google Earth and did not see any Mississippi style delta off the Colorado; of course, that doesn't mean it isn't there. In fact, I can see a delta of sorts, but why isn't it a comparable size to the Mississippi River delta? I don't know. But, is Dr. Brown right or is the detractor right? I can't tell. In The Beginning is much like this problem of the delta. A lot will depend on what you think you should find. The starting assumptions are everything.I recommend reading the book, then the reviews, then do any additional research you feel is needed, and then attempt to make an informed decision - and remember, you don't have to agree with Dr. Brown or his detractors. Other ideas are good, not bad.AD2
(1) Dr. Walter Brown is a highly qualified creation scientist who received his Ph.D. from MIT and was a professor at the U.S. Air Force Academy. His book “In The Beginning†is excellent, well researched and well documented. I recommend this book very much, and I encourage everyone to read it – it’s also available online on his creationscience.com website. Dr. Brown uses clear scientific evidence from all over the earth to support the theory of a young earth/universe as well as the geographically universal Flood of Noah. Many of his scientific predictions, based on his “Hydroplate Theory,†have already been verified by recent scientific discoveries (documented in his book). Dr. Brown was actually an evolutionist for much of his life, and then, after years of study, he became convinced of the scientific validity of creation science and a global flood. Some of his debates against atheists and evolutionists are available on YouTube.----As Dr. Brown clearly demonstrates in his book, scientific evidence is actually against the big bang theory of cosmic evolution. For scientists themselves admit that, according to the laws of physics and the scientific evidence they have, there is no way that galaxies, nebulae, stars and planets could have formed and developed in the universe. The reason is because there is simply not enough mass/matter in the universe to have provided the gravitational forces and effects necessary to pull matter together to form into stars and galaxies. Scientists say that only 15% - 20% of the necessary matter is present; the other 80% is missing. It’s not there.----To solve this dilemma, scientists invented a fictional substance called “dark matter,†i.e., matter that must be there, but is invisible, undetectable and cannot be found. It’s an unknown substance which emits no light, heat, radio waves, nor any other kind of radiation. Scientists say that the presence of dark matter can be “inferred†from the gravitational pull it exerts on visible matter, because “something†must be there holding the universe together for the last 13.7 billion years.----But scientists were faced with another dilemma. In 1998, a shocking discovery was made and confirmed: the universe’s expansion is not decelerating as was previously thought. Rather, it is accelerating. Therefore, to protect their Big Bang theory once again, scientists invented another fictional substance called “dark energy,†which overpowers the gravitational forces of dark matter and continually accelerates stars and galaxies away from each other—but they don’t know how or why.----Neither dark matter nor dark energy has been seen or measured, even with the world’s best telescopes and most sophisticated experiments. Scientists say they are not able to test, prove or disprove their theories / explanations of dark matter, dark energy, the Big Bang, etc., but they must be taken on faith. Well, this is not true science, but rather science fiction and fantasy (like Star Trek’s “fluidic space†and “sub-spaceâ€), because true science is based on clear evidence. To say we must “believe†in invisible, unproveable substances that have no evidence of existence would turn science into a “religion of scientism.â€---- To defend their position, scientists often respond by saying, “Just because there is no evidence yet to prove the existence of dark matter, it doesn’t mean there isn’t any; we just haven’t discovered it yet; science is still discovering and learning new things all the time!†However, this is the same kind of false argument used by evolutionists to defend the so-called “missing link†between apes and man. The real reason why a “missing link†hasn’t been discovered is because it doesn’t exist.----Also, in Science Daily we read: “Dark matter makes up 83 percent of all matter in the universe and does not interact directly with electromagnetic or strong and weak nuclear forces. Light does not bounce off of it, and ordinary matter goes through it with only the feeblest of inter-actions. Essentially invisible, it has been termed dark matter, yet its interactions with gravity produce striking effects on the movement of galaxies and galactic clusters.†(See the article: “New Theory of Stealth Dark Matter May Explain Universe's Missing Mass,†Sept. 24, 2015).----However, this kind of reasoning is a "circular argument" which fails to prove anything. For it basically says: “The Big Bang theory is true because dark matter has enabled the cosmic evolution of stars and galaxies over billions of years; and dark matter is true because, according to the Big Bang theory, the universe has evolved into stars and galaxies over billions of years†– or more simply stated: “The Big Bang theory is true because of dark matter, and dark matter is true because of the Big Bang theory.â€----For this reason, some modern scientists are beginning to admit that dark matter (or missing matter) may not exist: “Of all the many mysteries of modern astronomy, none is more vexing than the nature of dark matter. Most astronomers believe that large quantities of some unidentified material pervade the universe... Yet this dark matter has eluded every effort by astronomers and physicists to bring it out of the shadows. A handful of us suspect that it might not really exist, and others are beginning to consider this possibility seriously.†(See: Mordehai Milgrom, “Does Dark Matter Really Exist?†Scientific American, Vol. 287, August 2002, p. 43).(2) Dr. Brown points out (on p. 37): “For the last 150 years, the age of the Earth, as assumed by evolutionists, has been doubling at roughly a rate of once every 15 years. In fact, since 1900 this age has multiplied by a factor of 100! Evolution requires an old earth, an old solar system and an old universe. Nearly all informed evolutionists will admit that without billions of years, their theory is dead... Actually, most dating techniques indicate that the Earth and solar system are young.â€----With regard to Creation Science and a young universe, St. Thomas Aquinas gives the main reason why God can create the universe in a highly developed condition without the need of long periods of time to form into stars, galaxies and planets. He says: “God produces being in act out of nothing, and can, therefore, produce a perfect thing in an instant, according to the greatness of His power†(STh, I,66,1,2). This principle applies to all being, whether cosmic, chemical or biological. Thus, if God created the universe this way, then even though it would have the physical perfection and development of an ancient universe, it would actually be very young.----For example, the light produced by stars and galaxies would have extended great distances quickly across the universe without the need of millions/billions of years. Thus, we read in Isaiah 44:24: “I, the Lord, am the Maker of all things, stretching out the heavens by Myself, and spreading out the earth all alone.†(See also Isaiah 45:12). Similarly, the human body of Adam and Eve, along with the formation and development of the brain, vital organs, etc., did not need the normal 25-30 years necessary for development from an embryo to adulthood. Then, once God’s work of creation was finished and He rested on the “seventh day,†the universe—with its cosmic, chemical and biological perfection—would simply continue in its existence and operation according to the normal Laws of Physics established by God.(3) Big Bang / cosmic evolution is also contrary to sound philosophical principles. According to the Big Bang theory, all the natural forces / causes of the universe, e.g., matter, energy, atoms, molecules, gases, gravity, electricity, magnetism, etc., have the ability, by their own natural powers and capacities, and guided solely by the laws of physics (thus excluding any causality from God), to form and develop themselves into the complex order and design of galaxies, stars and planets. However, the logical conclusion of this position is that order comes from chaos, i.e., the intelligent order and design of the universe is produced by non-intelligent blind forces. But this is impossible and irrational, since order is not a result of chance but of intelligence. (Interestingly, the phrase “order from chaos†is the motto of the 33rd degree of Freemasonry).----With regard to our solar system, even Isaac Newton, in his Principia Mathematica, declares: “Though these bodies [planets] may indeed continue in their orbits by the mere laws of gravity, yet they could by no means have at first derived the regular position of the orbits themselves from those laws… This most beautiful system of the sun, planets and comets could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful being.â€(4) Even the “theistic†form of cosmic evolution, which says that God created the Big Bang and then guided / pre-programmed cosmic evolution for billions of years, is impossible. The reason is because God’s natural causality only moves secondary causes according to their natural mode of operation. As St. Thomas Aquinas says: “Whatever is received is received according to the mode of the receiver.†But secondary causes of the universe, i.e., matter and energy, atoms, molecules, gases, gravity, etc., are non-intelligent and blind forces by nature. Thus, the natural motion they receive from God does not move them towards complex order and intelligent design. It’s true that they possess a certain degree of intrinsic design (e.g., atomic structure, ordered mode of operation, etc.), but scientific evidence shows that they are not naturally predetermined, pre-programmed or “fine-tuned†to act intelligently and develop into the complex and beautiful design we see in the universe.----Consequently, even though secondary causes can produce various effects with beauty and simple design (e.g., the formation of mountains, landscapes, oceans, lakes and rivers, waterfalls, the Grand Canyon, etc.), they cannot organize themselves and develop into the complex order and design of stars, galaxies and planets without the direct and special causality of God. This supernatural/special action of God is precisely His “six-day†work of creation and formation of all things in the universe, as revealed in Genesis and explained by St. Thomas Aquinas and the Fathers of the Church.
Best Evidence for Young Earth Creation! Most of the creation science community still scratches their heads about the Great Flood and points to absurd vapor canopy theories and ascribes to the secular community's unworkable plate-tectonics ideas. Walt Brown blows holes in all the other theories and completely explained all the unanswered questions. After reading this book, you will wonder why anyone would believe anything else. If you want to increase your knowledge about the science of Origins, read this book. It is a good read for a lay reader with short informative sections and also for the hard core scientist with extensive references and detailed explanations (with enormous words and complicated-looking formulas and fancy charts and diagrams!)
There is a raft of detailed information explaining what the author calls the hydro-plate theory. He presents current theories next to his and explains why he believes hydro-plate theory explains geologic formations and the other theories fall short. The book is full of scientific details presented by experts. He makes me a believer. I already believed in creation but God does not explain How He did it or what happened during or after the flood. He did leave the details in His handy-work. This book goes a long way in explaining the details. I highly recommend it.
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